I have (once again) changed my blog skin (template), I just wish Blogger had a wider variety of the damned things. I did go googling to find some, but it wasn’t particularly productive, so as you can see I’m stuck with another (bland) out-the-box template. As much as I could probably put together my own template easily enough, I really don’t have the time. I’ll at least try and do a custom title bar some time in the future.
Bars and Stripes
In lieu of a more interesting or customized template that reflects me and my interest, I identified a whack-load of userbars that suit me and what I like doing and using, and plastered them along the sidebar. I also added my (default) BF2 signature. The cool thing about the tesig images is that they are dynamically updated as I play and my stats change (not that I play as much these days.. too busy!). I know they’re to wide for the template, and all cluttered, I’ll deal with that another time. At least now (for once) the damn page has something non-standard on it J
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