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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Virtual Job Reality

And the second bit of news for today: I’m moving jobs (again). After fighting off the urge to slit my wrists out of sheer work boredom at Sun (UTi Sun Couriers Division) for a little over a year and a half, I am finally moving on to a company that will hopefully give me a little more job satisfaction. It’s not that there is anything particularly wrong with Sun, I just can’t bring myself to be passionate about working on financial systems-and for me working on something I can be passionate about is really important.

Anyway, my new employer is 5DT, a company in Lynnwood, Pretoria (yay, shorter commute!!) which specialises in Virtual Reality systems for commercial and military use. They do everything from flight simulators to medical simulators, with a combination of Virtual Reality headsets and hydraulic platforms. I will of course be working on the software side of things, developing backend components and working on their SDK in C++. It hasn’t been too long since my last move, so for the sake of my CV this had better be the move, and I won’t need to move on again until we take smallfry fulltime..



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