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Thursday, October 06, 2005

One big mutha of a post (collection)

Well my posts seem to have been getting further and further apart.. I really do have loads of news but just to keep it sensible (and just because I can) I’m goig to split the stuff up across a couple of posts.

First of all, some personal news that (for some reason) I have held off on adding here.. I’m engaged. This happened way back in February (on Valentine’s day to be precise) but I have just been a bit uncomfortable about posting it on a public blog. I don’t know why, don’t ask me why, it probably has something to do with separation of my real-world and online personality or some stupid Psychological thing about getting tickled in the ear by a phallic-looking bug as a kid or some other such rubbish. Anyway, point is I am, and now you all know it.

I did it the way it’s meant to be done: I took Natalie out for a nice exotic dinner. We went to Wang Thai, an awesome Thai restaurant in Brooklyn, Pretoria, after discouraging her from ordering any dessert (we were running a bit late) and picking up the tab, I took her off to a little park nearby, where I had organised a blanket and tea lights next to the water, along with a bottle of bubbly and a giftwrapped jewellery box, in which I had hidden the ring box. To cut a long story short, once she had opened up the jewellery box I had to help her along a bit to find the ring, then dropped down on one knee and tried (unsuccessfully) to repeat the short speech I had prepared. Thankfully I got the basic idea across, and she said yes :)

So after throwing two separate engagement parties for the family and friends, we are now well into the planning of our March 2005 wedding-and I get to fret over the details of the honeymoon.

So sorry ladies, but I’m now officially off the market-not that it was in doubt before ;)



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