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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tech Tuesday: Vodacom’s banner injection still a (minor) pain

As I mentioned last week, we’re swamped at work, so this’ll be a super quick post. I’ve been trying for some time to find a good Last.FM scrobbler for my Nokia N96 (since I now use it as my primary music player). Sadly, every app I’ve tried has had network issues (this includes Mobbler, Vodafone Scrobbler, and Strands Mobile Player).

This morning I had a bit of a eureka moment and checked my access point settings (maybe all the talk of Vodacom’s JSE listing led my mind in that direction), and It turns out my hunch was right. It’s been a while since the whole Vodacom Banner Injection debacle, and after switching to the N96 the proxy setting hadn’t occurred to me. This is something of a testament in Vodacom’s favour, since other than the scrobbler issues I’ve really had no web problems. I would guess though that there are other apps out there that might be affected. So if you are having trouble signing in to third party services or applications, try visiting my previous post on the topic and following the instructions for removing the proxy setting, it might just be the fix you needed.



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